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Παγκόσμιες Κεντρικές Τράπεζες

Εύρεση κεντρικής τράπεζας

Χώρα Καταχώρησης:

  Όνομα Τρέχων Τιμή Χώρα
Τράπεζα Αλγερίας

The Bank of Algeria's mission is to maintain in the field of currency, credit and foreign exchange, the conditions most conducive to an orderly development of the...

4%  Αλγερία
Κεντρική Τράπεζα Αρούμπα (CBA)

The Central Bank of Aruba (the Bank) started its operations on January 1, 1986, when Aruba obtained its status as an autonomous country within the Kingdom of the...

3%  Αρούμπα
Τράπεζα Αφγανιστάν (DAB)

The Afghanistan Bank is the central bank of Afghanistan. It regulates all the banking and money handling operations in Afghanistan. In 2009, the Afghan Ministry of...

15,00%  Αφγανιστάν,
Τράπεζα Δημοκρατίας Αϊτής (BRH)

The Haiti national bank was founded after the independence of Haiti from France. The oldest reference to a bank in Haiti can be attributed to a short correspondence...

0%  Αϊτή
Αποθεματική Τράπεζα Βανουάτου (RBV)

The Reserve Bank of Vanuatu is the Central Bank of the Republic of Vanuatu. Vanuatu achieved its political independence from Great Britain and France on July 30, 1980...

0%  Βανουάτου
Κεντρική Τράπεζα Βενεζουέλας (BCV)

The creation of the Banco Central de Venezuela took place against a backdrop of great political, social and economic changes in the world. Aside from the start of the...

18,24%  Βενεζουέλα
Νομισματική Αρχή Βερμούδων (BMA)

The Bermuda Monetary Authority is responsible for the licensing of banks, deposit companies and investment businesses, the issue and redemption of Bermuda notes and...

0%  Βερμούδες
Κρατική τράπεζα του Βιετνάμ (SBV)

The State Bank of Vietnam is a ministry-level body under the administration of the government; the bank governor is a member of the cabinet (equivalent to a minister in...

6,50%  Βιετνάμ
Κεντρική Τράπεζα Βολιβίας (BCB)

The Central Bank of Bolivia (Spanish: Banco Central de Bolivia) is responsible for monetary policy and the issuance of banknotes. The bank was established by Law 632,...

0,86%  Βολιβία
Κεντρική Τράπεζα Βοσνίας-Ερζεγοβίνης (CBBH)

The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established in accordance with the Law adopted at the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 20 June 1997. The Central...

0%  Βοσνία-Ερζεγοβίνη
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